Efficient Remeshing in preCICE


Dr. rer. nat. Benjamin Uekermann
Chair of Scientific Computing in Computer Science
Technische Universität München

Project Overview

We implement and test a parallel remeshing functionality in the open-source coupling library preCICE. This feature allows, for example, handling of large deformations in interface-tracking fluid-structure interaction. We build on a previous three-month KONWIHR project, which developed a brute-force prototype for a subset of features and analyzed its bottlenecks.
The brute-force implementation is built on a complete recomputation and reinstantiation of the parallel communication pattern of preCICE. In the current project, we significantly improve the efficiency of the prototype implementation by caching mechanisms and code optimizations. Moreover, we provide the new functionality in a releasable state, meaning compatible with all other features in preCICE, benefiting the quickly growing preCICE user community.