

New issue #106 of Quartl published

Issue 106 of the Quartl, the official newsletter of KONWIHR, is now available. Read in this issue, among other topics: Zeitintegration: Hochskalierbare rationale Approximation von exponentiellen Integratoren Die Sprache des…


New issue #104 of Quartl published

Issue 104 of the Quartl, the official newsletter of KONWIHR, is now available. Read in this issue, among other topics: Earthquake shaking and noise disturbance Gemeinsam innovativ: Leistungsstarker Exascale-Supercomputer für…


preCICE Workshop 2023

preCICE, the coupling library for partitioned multi-physics simulations, is organizing its fourth workshop, this time at LRZ. This interactive, in-presence workshop will include conference talks by users and developers, training…